She lay in a state of apathy on the floor of a seemingly endless, dark chamber. Sounds were heard projected from all around her; yet, she couldn’t make out what any of it was saying. She felt only confused and lost.
Hope had a dream of leaving the anxious room behind, but she was too afraid to venture beyond what she couldn’t see. There was no hint of escape or direction; only a fog of uncertainty that blocked her vision. The clamor was overwhelming to the point she couldn’t imagine an escape from the hell she was in. The noisy, unchallenging environment had oddly become comfortable and accepting, holding her back from conquering the world she was confined to. Hope felt that no harm would come from staying put, so she became dormant and her only peace came from dreaming about what life would be like if she left. The dream remained only a dream - she gave up… The room had won.
You get it, right? That could be you. That was me.
DreamBox Studio is the dream I kept in a dark room for too long. I was afraid of a perilous beast (failure), and I didn’t have the sword needed to fight it. I decided that I would finally carve my own path out of the apathetic room and forge into the depths of the unknown.
As I’ve learned, I noticed the noises in my “room” were noises coming from inside my own head. Self-doubt and lack of a plan held me hostage from the dream I wanted to achieve. I hope that for whatever noises you face in your life, you find a way to block them out and escape horrid complacency.
I’m creating visuals for the people who are and were just like me - those who have a dream. My passion is to use my strengths in a way that helps the dreams of others come true. So here's to the dreamers - those who want to become the legend they’ve always dreamt they are.
Contact me to bring life to your dreams.